Can't launch MS Word, Excel and Power Point!!


Yesterday, I tried to open my Excel documents then it show a dialog said

<b>"The application Microsoft Excel has
unexpectedly quit."</b>

Then I tried Word and PowerPoint, all of them show the same dialog.

But when I switch to other user account they works fine.

What can I do to fix this problem ?
Please help me :(
Originally posted by testuser
There are a couple of things you can try:
Look in you user's Library -> Prefernces folder. Find and delete these files:

The LS files when corrupt can sometimes cause launch problems.

If that isn't the problem, you could try deleting the "Microsoft" folder in the same directory.

Are there any other things to do? I have MSv.x since it was out and have never used Excel or PowerPoint due to the same problem?!!! Thank God Entourage and Word work. I would've had to use Classic otherwise!!! I'm just awaiting MS updates. As it took the Hotmail updater for Entourage to stop "Unexpectedly Quit"ing
I am 99% percent sure it is the Project Gallery bug! I have seen this on more than five Macs now. It is rather easy to fix. Take a word document and double click it. Now go to Word Prefs and disable "show project gallery at startup". Now, select "New" and in the Project Gallery, select a Powerpoint file. Once PP is running, go to it's prefs and deselect "Show Project Gallery at startup". Again, make a "new" document, this time Excel, and do the same thing.

It should work then.
Originally posted by ulrik
I am 99% percent sure it is the Project Gallery bug! I have seen this on more than five Macs now. It is rather easy to fix. Take a word document and double click it. Now go to Word Prefs and disable "show project gallery at startup". Now, select "New" and in the Project Gallery, select a Powerpoint file. Once PP is running, go to it's prefs and deselect "Show Project Gallery at startup". Again, make a "new" document, this time Excel, and do the same thing.

It should work then.

Good advice.

Excel and PP still crash. Excel crashes when I load a cell with data!!!!!! AGHHHHHHH. I'm formatting my HD in a few months anyway so, it could be a kext conflict. who knows.

Ta for your help guys (testuser, ulrik)
I had a problem with office unexpectedly quitting also, but it turned out to be a problem with fonts.

Microsofts website lists the solution



After you double-click an Office v. X program, the program splash screen appears, but then the program unexpectedly quits.


This problem occurs when there is a damaged or unsupported font in one of the Mac OS X Fonts folders or in the Classic Mac OS 9. x Fonts folder.
When an Office v. X program starts, it reads and optimizes all of the fonts that are available in the operating system. If the program finds a damaged font, the program may quit unexpectedly.


To resolve this problem, you must locate and disable the damaged font.

hope that helps
I already tried deleting these files
LSSchemes and
Microsoft folder in ~/Library/Preferences

but it still didn't work for me.

I looking at the splash screen when I launch Word, it reaches
"Optimizing font menu performance..."
and quit.

And I also can't open Word. So, I can't disable Project Gallery. What should I do next ?
You need to sort through Fonts.

MS Office is picky.

Remember to check the Classic OS 9 Fonts folder too.

Good luck.

Versiontracker has a font manager - X Font Manager I think. Search for Font anyway.