Can't locate pod2man program


Hello all,

I'm trying to get the DBI module to install.

I typed in the perl Makefile.PL command and it printed this:

Warning: I could not locate your pod2man program. Please make sure, your pod2man program is in your PATH before you execute 'make'

Does anyone have any suggestions on fixing this?
Well, it\\\'s on my computer, anyway:

<tt>[poppacrow:~] mark% which pod2man

So, there you are. I assume /usr/bin would have to be in your path, but check anyway. If you need it, mail me ( with the obvious modification made ), I can send it to you or something. The file is only about 16K.

<tt>[poppacrow:~] mark% whatis pod2man
pod2man(1) - Convert s-1PODs0 data to formatted *roff input</tt>

It looks like something for making a man page from a different format, so probably not anything that\'s vitally essential to the installation, unless you can\'t get the man page any other way.
Originally posted by scruffy
Well, it\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s on my computer, anyway:

<tt>[poppacrow:~] mark% which pod2man

So, there you are. I assume /usr/bin would have to be in your path, but check anyway. If you need it, mail me ( with the obvious modification made ), I can send it to you or something. The file is only about 16K.

<tt>[poppacrow:~] mark% whatis pod2man
pod2man(1) - Convert s-1PODs0 data to formatted *roff input</tt>

It looks like something for making a man page from a different format, so probably not anything that\\\\\\\'s vitally essential to the installation, unless you can\\\\\\\'t get the man page any other way.


I tried searching for the make program by typing:

which make and where make

but nothing comes up? Shouldn\\\'t this program be installed by default?

This is probably why nothing happens when I type \\\'make\\\' during the installation of my perl modules.

So is it posssible to re-install the make program - if so where can I get it and how is it done?

any suggestions are appreciated...
Ah, there we are then.

Apple didn\'t include make, or gcc, in the default install. You have to download the developers tools from Apple. It\'s a big download, I hope you have a fast connection...