Can't log in Messenger Mac 7


I have a problem signing into my messenger for mac. Version 7.0.1. My computer is a Power Book G4. version 10.4.11

Below the description of the error:
"Signing into MSN Instant Messenger Service failed because the password is incorrect or the sign-in name does not exist. If you have forgotten your password, click Help in the main window, and then click Help Topics."

My username and password are correct. I tried logging into my hotmail account and it works. I also tried other accounts without success. I also tried uninstalling and installing back again. Nothing seems to work.

I'm using ebuddy for now, but I want to get to the bottom of this and fix it fast!

Your prompt reply is appreciated.

Have you ever logged-in from your Mac before? Microsoft Messenger 7.0.1 works just fine--as far as it goes. My guess is that you are not using your complete username. For me, my username is my complete email address.