cant make up my mind


i currently have a powerbook 15 fw800 1.25 w/ 512 megs of ram how far will this go in gaming do you think?
it chokes if i have most of halo's settings turned up.
should i pump out some money and get a dual 1.8 g5 w/ radeon 9800 or should i just get a couple 1 gig dimms for my pb havin 2 macs is cool and all but dunno if id give them the attention they deserve heh hmm i cant make up my mind.
guess my question is should i buy a dual processor g5 just for the cushion in gaming heh or just dump some money into fw drive and memory for my pb 15
id use it for more than games but could i justify the purchase
i already own a gamecube and xbox btw heh
Well, look at it this way: what else would you use the G5 for? If you can do everything you need to do on your Powerbook (except play Halo), then the G5 will be more of a waste of money than a sound investment. More RAM always helps with just about everything, but faster Firewire isn't going to do much to improve Halo performance.

I played Halo on a G5 at MWSF yesterday, and it was definitely an awesome experience. So a G5 would have no problem with it if you were to get one. But you may not have enough graphics power in your PB to run Halo well at higher settings. I suggest reducing your graphics settings (starting with resolution), and if you can't get it to do what you want, then either get the G5 or look for a LAN arcade in your area where you can play Halo for a small hourly fee or something similar.
heh. I have a similarly configured PowerBook, and yeah, Halo is choppy every once in a while. Then again, Halo is bad programming. The poor thing has been hacked together. Think of it: It's a port of the PC version, which is a port of the XBox version, which is a port of the ORIGINAL Mac and PC versions. It's sad, really.

Halo is probably the most taxing game out there.
hmm can system ram compensate alot for lack of video ram?
maybe i get a dual 1.25 g4 that would be plenty for games i think