I have this mac that is fairly old running os x 10.4. When I turned it on today it stalled on the startup screen and then after several minutes the apple logo turned into a circle with a line through it. Before doing a reinstall i decided to run the disk utility program off of the install cd. The repair stopped halfway through and said that it was unable to complete. The same occurs when i try to verify it. Now my problem is that after running the repair the startup disk is no longer mounted. If i try and mount it, it gives an error and says to run the repair. Ive run a hardware test and everything passed so i dont think its a hardware issue. I have the disk warrior program but i cant try it because my optical drive keeps spitting out any cd but the install disk (separate problem). Ive tried using terminal by typing in "diskutil mount /dev/disk0s3" where disk0s3 is the disk identifier but that doesnt work. ive loaded fsck in single user mode but when i run "/sbin/fsck -fy" it scans the install disk because i cant run off the startup disk since it isnt mounted. Any ideas?