Can't open certain websites


In the last few days I've noticed there are certain websites that simply won't open on my Mac.

These include the Microsoft website, Hotmail, IMDB, Adobe and Amazon. There are many more, but these are the ones that come to mind immediately.

It doesn't make a difference whether I'm using Safari, Firefox or Chrome. The message I get is 'Unable to connect'. I wanted to try and open them with Internet Explorer, but couldn't open the Microsoft website in order to download IE8.

Additionally, all of these webpages were opening fine just a week ago. They also open fine on Windows-based PCs in my house, so I figure it's nothing to do with the Firewall in our router.

Does anyone have any ideas? I can't seem to find a solution.
I have the exact same problem. I just got a new iMac, connected with an ethernet cable to a router. When I connect the same cable to my pc laptop pages load well. But it doesnt work well on my iMac. I am able to get to pages like Google and Bing in a heartbeat, but when I perform a search and click on the item I am looking for it just gets stuck there, every single time. It is very frustrating when you get a new computer and it can't do the basics. I am sure I might have to adjust some settings or there is a way around. Anyone help us?
Oh, I figured this out. I was running Peer Guardian and had Ads/Spyware and Microsoft blocklists enabled. Didn't realise just how thorough those lists were :)

trujillojuanp: don't think that solves your problem though.
Hi Skrogz, I am glad you solved your issue, you are right mine is still open, I can't find a solution and it's driving me nuts!!
I had the same problem. I turned off filters in PEERGUARDIAN, and I could get the sites.
Weird. Problem solved!
Generally, such filters are of course the first thing to check after making sure that no other kid-control software is active. The easiest way to check them: Turn them off completely for a test run. If the sites load, it's those filters. Similarly: Ad-blockers, firewall software and router configurations.