"can't OPEN:" message on Biege G3 & OS X


I have been trying to install Mac OS X on my Biege G3/266. I have stipped it down to just the stock apple parts partitioned my HD drive to a 7.4 to 11.1 split and installed 9.1 on the second (11.1) and OS X on the first (7.4). The CD booted fine and the install was successful but upon restart i get the message "can't OPEN:" on 3 and ahalf lines and then it boots to 9.1. can anyone tell me what this means and if it can be fixed? I have zapped the pram and cuda switched my mac to the brink of not booting at all. I have heard of biege users successfully installing OS X but none seem to have the problem I seem to have. any suggestions?
I found my problem my 20gig hard drive was set to master w/slave. since my rev. A doesnot support slave drives it just booted master. under OS X it must be set to master/single. I removed the jumper from the drive and it booted find.
I actually had that same issue and the same g3 dt but upgraded...but damnit! for the life of me I can't remember how to resolve it...

It may be the master/slave thing...but I never messed with that...so from my standpoint it isn't that. So, I don't think that previous suggestion will help you...

Sorry,...let me think on it.
Ok, I think I remember!

VERY IMORTANT BEFORE PROCEEDING!!!! Copy drag your os 9 HD alias to your os X hd alias. Took me about 15 min to copy it onto OSX.

When trying to get into OSX from OS9 you have to Hide the "finder" into a "finder folder" - make a "new folder" and name it: "Finder Folder" in the system folder.

Then, when you want to go into osX you have to go to apple menu/ open the control panlels/ startup disk..then stop - leave that window open without selecting anything.

Then go over to the OS 9 hd alais, navigate to the "finder" (you should see your newly made "finder folder" nearby) and drag the "finder" into the finder folder. Now you'll notice (if you backwards navigate) that your OS9 sys folder is "unblessed" (no smiley face on the folder)

then, go to the open startup window (remember I told you to leave it open! If you didn't you'll notice that you don't get the option to control panels, because you have no blessed sys folder.

Anyway..moving on...select to OSX drive as startup. It'll warn you startup is selected and that your computer maynot restart - don't fret...It'll restart, make a "bong" the restart again....don't worry about it, it'll come up in a min.

This will present you with OSX!!

Now, to get back (there may be another route) but this is what I do...restart from OSX into OS 9 on the OSX HD (the copied OS 9 that I warned you to do earlier)

Then, when that is up, go to the startup disk selection and select the OS 9 on the OS 9 HD. This is if you want to get to that particular OS 9 on the OS9 HD. I do, because I wasn't (and still not ) using OSX much so I'm still in my original OS9 on OS9HD... I also now regret not setting more gig space in my osX partition:
40 gig
os 9 - 30 gig
os X 6 or 8 gig...I now only have 1.25 gig left

Good luck...one other thing - make sure your cd drive is original (at least not a cdrw, some of the cdrw's won't boot)

oops! I just realise that was his post of having fixed it...oh well.. I guess he knew that already.

Maybe someone else will need this info
