Can't play DVD's on my powerbook



I've got a Powerbook G3 400 (lombard) with a dvd drive and I'm running 10.2.4 I know I have a dvd drive 'cos it says so on the drive. When I stick a dvd into the drive the cd icon is displayed on the desktop and I can browse the dvd. However I cant play the movie.

Any ideas? I've not downloaded and external player as apparently dvd 3.2 is built into 10.2.



Powerbook G3 400
No, the mac's not always been mine. So i don't know it's history. How do i change the region code under 10.2 (im reading the link to the other post as we speak - thanks for that).

I'm not even certain that the dvd software is installed as I cant find it. Under system pref > cd/dvd > is says "to open dvd player" upon insertion of a dvd, but there is no prettly little icon like tohe one next to itunes etc.

Oh and thanks for the warm welcome. It's nice to be here!
There should be an application called DVD Player in the Applications folder. Do you see that app? Maybe it could have been removed. If it's not there, I guess adding it there could do it. (4,5 MB for DVD player? smaller than I thought). :-/

Once you put a DVD that is not from the region you used previously - e.g. region 1 for US or 2 for Europe (if I remember right) it will tell you to change the region code for seeing the movie. You can - at least with current settings - switch 5 times the region where to play DVDs, after that it will stay blocked on the last region. So I hope it's not stuck on some weird region's code.
***** update *******

After some searching around - thanks for the idea about regions - it seems my drive is rpc-1 (region free it seems) by default.

So i guess I'm still at a loss as to what my problem is. Where is the dvd app under 10.2? I've recently rebuilt my machine and I was hoping this would be solved during the rebuild, but alas no. I'm still not convinced i have dvd 3.2 installed. I'm going it install 9 now to see if I can do it in 9 - just to satisfy a curiosity.
Sorry for the duplicate question Giaguara, I didn't spot your reply before posting my update. I cant check for the dvd player as i'm 6mins from finishing a 9.2.1 install. However, before i rebuilt my mac lst week (odd things happening with sleep etc) i looked for it in apps and using find, and it was not there. I wonder if the 10.2 install chooses not to install it as it cant find it as a valid dvd player. Perhaps i have a hardware fault. I'll see if i can play under 9.2.1 when it finishes. That may answer the question.


If you can't still find it then, can you receive 4,5 MB attachments to an email address? Trying the app sent separatedly could maybe resolve it.. Or it could stil be a hardware issue. But you said you can navigate on the DVDS.. hmm. :confused:
Yes, i can receive emails that size. If you're happy to send it I'd much appreciate it.
Success (of sorts)! I can play under os 9. It asked me to pick a region as the disc i put in required one (the first blues brothers film).

It said I still change another 5 times?! I guess thats cos it's rpc-1.

This begs the question of why I dont have the dvd app under 10.2

But hey, it's a start
As far as I know, your PowerBook isn't supported as DVD player under OS X. Sad but true. You might have some success with VLC (get it at
Thanks for that. If thats the case it's a bit disappointing. I can play dvds in 9 so I know it's not a hardware fault. In fact the region had never been set. So i guess this would seem the likely problem.

I'll try vlc though as it would be preferable to do everything in X. I've only installed 9 just to watch dvds ( which on a 6gb drive is probably a little excessive).

Thanks for your help
Dear All, especially Magpie

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but you are unable to play DVD on your PowerBook G3 in MacOS X because that particular model of PowerBook does not have a Firewire port.

Unfortunately, Apple decided (in they infinite wisdom) that you must have a Firewire model Mac to play DVD's, under MacOS X.

Playing DVD's in MacOS 9 Classic is fine.

I found this out to my own mistake... :(

Cheers Apple
It would seem that is only true for apple's dvd player. After downloading and installing VLC (which is freeware) I can play dvd's under X. However, cos my book is only a g3 400, the performance is rather poor (project budget won't stand a new Powerbook :eek:( ).

So it's better to watch them under 9 which is much smoother. I know this opens the whole X is slower than 9 conversation again. However, X is so much better. I cant do what I do under 9. Performance for me under X is fine (as long as I'm not playing dvds!!!!).

I can run itunes whilst developing php/mysql with no probs. If it weren't for X, I'd probably have to run Linux *shudder*

Having been a PC and Windoze user for years, I've grown quite attached to my powerbook and X.