Can't run web server...


hi all
i run OSX on a Ti G4 400 and do webdev work and want people to be able to log in and check how things are going. I get my IP after i login to Telstra ADSL (in Australia) and everything else is running (apache/php/mysql) as it should but there is no way i can get anyone to see my IP. I run Portscan on the IP and get nothing but if I hook up to a network at work then people can use my network IP address just fine so it seems to be a problem with ADSL and I was wondering if Telstra have blocked Port 80 or 21 or whatever to avoid this sort of use?

I have been thru many forums and have tried all the normal fixes but still nothing..very weird!

Can anyone help pls...!

I use Verizon ADSL in the USA and they have decided it'd be fun to keep Port 80 blocked because of the dumb NT'ers who can't install system upgrades and.. well are stupid enough to run a server on NT.

I had a similar problem, I knew my IP and I could access my webserver locally by my IP, but no incoming access from the outside world could get to port 80, but they could ping me. So the case may be that your ISP has blocked port 80.

It's really starting to bug me about Verizon continuing to do this, too. DSL isn't cheap, and when I switched from Cable to DSL I figured I'd have my full access like I did on Cable, boy was I wrong! And calling them does no good, even if you threaten to cancel service. They just say "Sorry to hear that."

Anyways, enough of my rant about the idiots at verizon (GO WTIH EARTHLINK!), the problem may be that your critical service ports have their incoming access blocked. You could probably call your ISP to find out.
One option that would take a bit of tweeking and some research is to simply use a different port for web services. This is assuming that there is *some* port they aren't blocking... so it may not be possible if they aren't letting anything in (which is a common thing for a firewall). That way, if port 8080 is open, they can get to you at:

(You would need to change the httpd.conf file to reflect the new port as well.)