can't save jpegs off web?? get error every time


any time i try and save any picture (90% of the time jpg) off of the internet it won't save for me. it posts a link and says the jpg has errors?? i can save the same picture on a windows machine fine. i am lost on this one. i can't copy pictures either. help!!
we need more data:
- os
- browser
- site

And before we start to make a big fuzz out of it: did you ever try to drag the pic onto your desktop?
ok, no i have not tried dragging to my desktop i just try and "Save picture as" and then it will save but won't open stating JPG has errors. i am using my G4 Powerbook, OS X, and it won't let me save any pictures from any site. hope this is enough info. i will try dragging it tonight. thanks for the quick response too..

When you try tonight, if you still get errors, post the error you get back here.
AOL has loads of weird problems. Did you know that you can also use another browser, even if you use AOL to connect to the internet? A lot of people don't know that.
AOL is your problem. After signing on, open Internet explorer or another browser and you should be able to drag a jpg to your desktop.