cant see my volume on my mates ibook cont


Hi everyone, probably really simple, so soz, still learning :)

- tryin to connect to my mates ibook, fine - turned file sharing on both, go to server, browse, there he is, cool, he's the only user ,there is his volume, mount it and the icon appears on the desktop, cool. Then server connect browse on his and there i am, nice, then connect and low and behold, only my girls volume is visible :(

- ive got file sharing on
- I can see his volume - no worries
- He sees my computer
- BUT only my girlfriends volume appears in his `select volume to mount`window.. (no jokes)

so again, any help would be very gratefully appreciated.. ;)


I guess just normally, my mate logs in as his sole user on the ibook and i log in on a powerbook, 2 users, we connect ethernet cable, turn file sharing on, i connect to his ibook from the Go menu and sign in as a guest, 1 volume to select, sorted, then, when connecting from the ibook and picking up the powerbook as a server, it only reads 1 volume (the one from the other user) and my volume just doesnt appear...
Hmmm... while on your buddy's iBook, do the Connect to Server thing to your iBook... when asked to authenticate, use your username and password for the account on your PowerBook. What do you see then?
ok, will try and we'll see, ive been using candybar to change a few icons and folders, and have change my 'home' logo, if that may disrupt anything ? and ive also developed a problem with Mac help - it doesnt search and appears to be quite dead..

- ive restored the original icons


ok, im back, so, last nite i tried to hook my pb up with my mates ib - and as i mentioned before - my volume doesnt appear, when i log in as a guest, when i logged into mine as a registered user i had the options of mounting my HD, but mine and my girls volumes were shaded and not selectable - when i select brain it mounts brain and my volume together on his desktop - which is fine but it used to work fine, with no problems - i would just choose my volume to mount (as a guest) and away we went, whats changed?

any help as always, greatly appreciated :)


- ok, so, my and my mate, used to link my PB with his IB via an ethernet cable, go, server, connect, login as guest, mount my volume, and away we went, swapping files, playing Doom 3 deathmatch - all cool....

then, ive been messin, changing icons, gettin to grips with my new toy etc..

so, next time, we get together, all fine, apart from my volume isnt there, my girls is, but mine has vanished, so i can only connect through my girls volume..

When i log in as a Registered User on my mates IB, ie my username and pass for my account and can see in the 'select volume to mount' window - my HD, and mine and my girls volumes in grey (unselectable) - i can choose my HD and it mounts on my mate IB along with my volume - which is ok, but why did it change - also, maybe this'll help, when we connect to play doom3 - i create a server on mine, fine, then when my mate searches for a Lan Server - he can see me, he tries to connect - and the message reads 'This server accepts Lan clients only' - thus no fun.... whats happened please help :)

as always any help/advice would be very much appreciated..