cant send email but can recieve it


just got my new 24 inch imac. and i cant get my email set up. i use road runner for my email. i can recieve email fine, but when i go to send it, the message goes to the outbox and never gets sent. i have double check all the setting in the smtp outgoing area and nothing seems to make it work. any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks tt
What authentication does roadrunner use? ssl on or off, with username to send or not.? Does port 587 work instead of 25?

Does your ISP have any restrictions for what outgoing server to use? E.g. anything going out of Covad has to go via Covad's servers.
ssl is to be unchecked. they say to use port 25 and to not use authentication. i have tried all that and it won't connect. now it send my new messages directly to the trash folder instead of trying to connect.
Do you have one or multiple email accounts? Is that happening on one or all of them? Is teh email account the one of your ISP or a different one?
Usually nowadays, port 25 non-authenticated SMTP only tends to work when you're actually using the same ISP to connect to the 'net as you're using for the E-Mail account. It's not good practice to let anyone use your SMTP-server unprotected. I'd contact the service provider for the E-Mail account for specifics.
Seems to change a lot depending on where you are and what you use with rr.
Try port 587 with mail -- that usually should work.