Can't start applications (macbook & 10.4.10)



I've got a macbook with OS 10.4.10 running. Since 2 weeks ago I cannot run certain applications such as switch, photoshop and others.

I've tried reboot, recovering permissions with the boot disk, check for errors and reinstalling the applications themselves. Nothing works so far.

I can though run many other applications. I'd really appreciate help on this, because I need those apps.


does the problem persist if you create a new user account and log in as that user and then try running the applications?

(this is a quick way to tell if it's an issue with your account or with the software)
thanks for you suggestion. i tried it out, but it doesn't change anything. actually 'switch', which is one of the programs, i even downloaded from apple's site several time and deleted it.

... any other ideas?
lets move to the next step then... try to launch two of the applications that are not working and then post your console.log and system.log files here.
thanks for your support. i can't find the system.log file. is the console file enough? and the systems doesn't allow me to upload it for some reason. it says invalid file.
to see your system.log and console.log files open the console application and click on show logs. and then click on either system.log or console.log. you'll need to copy and paste the contents here. see the attached screen shot for help. (mine will look a little different then yours (10.4 vs. 10.5) but it's the same basic principal.)

Hmmm. This is happening to me, as of this morning, on a machine running 10.4.10 SERVER. I tried to update to 10.4.11, but my internet connection failed in mid download. When it came back up, I tried again and it completed normally. However, now some programs (not all) hang on start-up and I have to force-quit. And let me emphasize here, I don't know if these failures are related at all to the update. Some examples:
Microsoft Office 2004
Appleworks 6
Adobe Photoshop Elements 4
Adobe GoLive CS2​
Adobe Acrobat is OK. I reinstalled Office and then tried to open a Word doc. It did open, but only after throwing the alert "Unexpected error loading Microsoft Framework Library. Trying an Excel doc produced the same alert and then a hang.