OK, so i'm an american, and i think that this whole sterotyping is uncalled for, but inevitable. If your country is going to be a leader, who's to say that people can't disagree with them? Even if sometimes the disagreement is just because some people feel that it is chic.
Agreements with Alex:
1. American cars SUCK. What happened to performance, durability, efficiency, design, style, ect.?
Its just not there. There is no realistic reason to like an american brand. Even because of all that "made in the USA" crap, its just not true, this is a world economy.
I'd rather have a BMW, Audi, MB or VW any day. And so does everyone else I know.
But still, big hulking cars are considered a luxury.
My father has a fleet car from his business. Problably as some measure of status, they decided to give him a Oldsmobile

. What crap!He hates driving it, but does anyway because he doesn't have to pay for the gas, and it keeps the miles off our japanese cars.
2. The South
Wow, i know i just went off on sterotypes up a little ways, but i'm going to go ahead an talk about a specific "group" in the south, please do not be offeneded. Like Alex said, whats up with the confederate flag? Yeah right,"Its part of my heritage." Well mister, I hope you're proud of your heritage, shedding blood to keep the insistution of slavery alive. I hope your proud that when democracy didn't work out in your interests, you threw a temper tantrum and seceeded. It just doesn't make sense, please board the next train to modern days. This is one country, this is no northen or western conspiracy. Get rid of your resentment. People still take the civil war personally, like it just happened. Like if i was to say "The South lost the war", i would be dissing your mother. No one thinks that the same people who fought for the south, are the same people during there today, so don't get defensive and make people think that the same opinions are still there. I recently had the chance to talk about the civil war with a group of students from georgia. When i mentioned sherman, the general who used total war strategies to totally decapactitate the south, all i heard was outrage that he had done such a thing, as though it had never been done before, and hadn't been done since. Don't take it personally, OK? Its just history, it doesn't make me a good person, or you a bad person, me a judge, and you an outlaw.
So how about those cars?