Your path is kept in a shell variable named PATH, as a series of directory names separated by colons.
In Bash, which i am using, you would view your PATH by saying echo $PATH and add . (the current dir) to your PATH by saying PATH=$PATH":."
...but you are not using Bash, you are using tcsh. Right? So i'm not quite sure. Check the tcsh documentation to see how you edit shell variables.
Oh, one other thing: changing a shell variable is not permanent. Changes only affect the current session.. so once you close that Terminal window, or open a new one, your changes to $PATH will have been reset to what they were before. You will have to add whatever line you used to add . to your path into your shell init script, so it will be run every time you open a shell session. I'm not sure what your shell init script would be named. Probably .tcshrc or .tcsh_session. Again, see the documentation.
Hello. Welcome. This is what UNIX is like. -_-