

happy (again)
My little sister was in OS 9... using GME, or some kind of CD with information for school reports... whatever. When she was done... I booted my G4 back into OS X. I typed in my login and password, and hit return. The CD Drive started spinning like crazy... and the status on the login pannel said, "loggin in". 5 minutes later, the CD was still spinning, and OS X was still "logging in". Why does the CD drive stop X from starting up?
oh yeah... I could not get the cd tray to come out when I restarted so I had to use the infamous paper clip. :) :( :o :D ;) :p :cool: :rolleyes:
i don't know what causes the problem but i identified that i couldn't boot back to osx if a disk is inserted awhile back. my paper clip has been seeing lots of action lately. but for some reason it does not happen everytime anymore. this really confuses me.:confused:

i'm with nummi in this predicament - anybody solve this one?
You know what? All this seems so familiar....... OH YEAH! WINDOZE WINBlOWS! APple! wHAT iS wRONG wITH yOU?

:) :D :p :confused:
Your situation is not unsual. When OS X loads up it checks and verifies any disks mounted to it. When it cannot read one, it continues to try until it is successful (which most of the time it isn't). OS X, in other words, is not a quiter (which in most cases is a bad thing). For example, when my external 60GB Maxtor Hard drive decides to spin down (when I first turn it on, which is VERY annoying:mad: ) I have to disconnect the firewire cable from the computer in order for OS X to continue processing. If not OS X would continue to attempt to load a hard drive that is not accessible. Once disconnected, OS X realizes that the cable has been disconnected and proceeds - leaving a message telling you that the disk was dismounted unappropriately:rolleyes: . Anyhow, long story short, when OS X gets stuck - disconnect, unplug, eject, whatever! - so it can continue loading without trying to be "Superman" and read something that it can't. Good luck, and I hope this helps.
yea, while troubleshooting a new drive on friday i found this out as well. at least part of the problem seems to be that lots of peripherals use some of the same identifying parts inside, regardless of 'manufacturer'. unplugging and/or paper clipping a disc are pretty lousy methods to have to deal with. hopefully this will be another bug that gets fixed in near fture.:(
I had the same problem with my computer after I took out the DVD-RAM drive that came with it and replaced it with an internal CD burner. It would cause my computer to hang all the time, not just at login or startup. During normal use of the computer it would cause the OS to hang while the CD drive would spin up to look for a CD that wasn't in there. It was really, really annoying and I almost took it out and put the DVD-RAM back in because the burner slowed down my system so much.

Before I took it out I tried resetting PRAM, Open Firmware, and finally the Power Management Unit in my G3. Now the burner works fine and only causes my system to hang when there is a CD in the drive and the computer needs it for some reason.. then the drive spins up and it reads the CD normally.

So.. moral of the story. Try resetting PRAM, Open Firmware, and the PMU in your computer.