CD-RW trouble in OS X


I am running OS 10.2.3 and ever since I upgraded from 10.1 I have had trouble burning CD-RW discs.

OS X seems to think that the discs are CD-Rs, not CD-RWs. To overcome it I re-boot in OS 9, where it works fine.

Does anyone know a way I can overcome this annoying problem?

It's been awhile, but here's the deal...

OS X treats CD-RW just like CD-Rs when burning, as it should. However, to re-burn, you have to use either DiskCopy or DiskUtility (can't remember which) to erase the media, and then you can burn to it again.

Hopefully Panther will eliminate this and make erasing a CD-RW from the Finder possible...
Thanks I actually knew that. When I put a blank CD-RW in my CD drive OS X asks to name the disc and so on and displays the CD icon with CD-R on it, not CD-RW.

When I burn a CD-RW in OS 9 then use it in OS X the icon then has CD-RW on it. I have actually burnt some CD-RWs in OS X and then tried to erase them and re-use them, however OS X had turned them into CD-Rs, not letting me erase or re-burn them.

Thanks anyway

Use Disk Utility (Applications: Utilities) and select the disc, and choose the erase tab. Even if it shows up with the CDR icon, it should still let you erase it if it is a CD-RW.
Nice pic symphonix, Muppets rock.

Anyway Disk utility allows me to erase the discs, however when I re-burn them they are only recognised as CD-Rs.

It is the burning process that is the problem.

What do you use to burn your discs? I suggest using Toast Titanium: you can burn and erase discs from within the program and I've never had any problems.
Ditto :)
Question about CD-RWs though: my Dad bought me about fifty CD-Rs for christmas, but I don't record music and I don't like the idea of using them up at the rate of about two per week doing backups. My question is: are CD-RW disks supposed to work like a big floppy disk? (Yes, I can hear you: "What are Floppy Disks?") i.e. you put something on it, and then at a later date, you can take that off and put something else on it? I guess like a small hard drive really. This would be a better way to back up. I could make weekly CD-RW back ups, and maybe monthly CD-R ones, and then every month, I could reuse my CD-RW disks, sort of in a never ending cycle. I've heard stuff about CD-RWs wearing out if they are recorded too many times though...
I use CD-RWs for my backup. They work excellent. They essentially are giant floppy disks. And like floppy disks, over time they can wear out. From what I've heard it takes over a million burns to degrade it enough, so that's not much of a concern.

As for your problem Mat, I think I have had that problem before. The only thing I could recommend is to upgrade to 10.2.4 or better. Not only will it hopefully help with the burning issue, but it'll take care of a disgusting icon problem on the desktop. If you put an icon somewhat off the screen on the left side, it is automatically moved onto the screen and shoves everything else on the desktop to the right. By the third time you place an icon off the screen your hard drive is off the screen. That's at least one good reason to fix. Also, what type of Mac are you using?
I am new to Macs, being from the other computer universe, and had problems with burning.
I coughed up the money for the lightest Toast and now it is perfect.
Toast is an amazing program. It is worth the money, if CD burning is important to you.
One of the great things about these forums is learning things, I did not know you could erase a used CD from the OS.
Something to pray for in Panther is a feature match with Windows where you can format a CDRW and treat it just like a large floppy, dragging things off and on.

A big part of my problems is the fact my CD burner is an external FW drive and the OSX tools only work well with internal CDRW drives. In fact they ruin my CDs for burning if they format them before Toast gets at them.
thanks jeepster

I really shoud update to the latest version of OS X, but only being on 56k it''ll be a pain.

Anyway you asked what type of mac I'm using. It's a 14" combo drive iBook.

Thanks all