cd rw


i have a mac osx version 10.3.9 i am trying to burn a cd from my itunes
to a cd rw ,i want to reuse the cd and reburn using the same cd....but
when i put it in my computer it keeps saying its not a blank tape? my
question is if its rewritable why won't it take it?.........thanks
try to use other software to rasure the cd rw
maybe itunes can not do it
i just guess for i use cd rw rarely
Caca is right. Just erase the proper thing. The
left-hand pane of DU's window shows three
entries for your CD-RW:

-- Device Name (Same as you'll find in System Profiler)
-- -- Session ID
-- -- -- Disc Name

Hi-lite the Device name to erase the CD-RW.
Just to bring it all home, Cleo, the Mac considers any CD-RW, with data already on it, to be unavailable for additional recording.

Before re-using a CD-RW, utilize Disc Utility to "erase" it. Then you will be able to re-record to it.
hey caca you did it again....... it worked , now i have the cd icon on my screen,
do i keep it on? if i don't need it there that would be great.......thanks agin for your and
ty al and.....ibj.. your are all awsome .........cleo
The CD icon should appear on the desktop if the CD is inserted -- if you don't want it there, simply eject the CD and it should disappear! ;)
hi again caca
thanks again.......all is good....hope i am not bothering you all? all i need
is to get my cd working in my car, but its something about its not compatable
with the cd i made from my mac?? go figure.........i made the music for my
car and nada.........well thanks for your help...........
Nope, never a bother at all! Please feel free to post whatever questions and concerns you have whenever you have them. There are plenty of knowledgeable Mac users here that will be happy to answer any question you have, big or small... that's what this forum is for!

As for the CDs not playing in your car -- some CD players are picky about what CDs they want to play. CDs that you burn at home and music CDs that you purchase in a store are very different -- CDs that you burn at home are actually "burned" -- a laser actually changes the chemical composition of the material on the CD, so certain areas are lighter than others in accordance with the binary data you're writing to the CD. CDs that are purchased in the store are different -- the material actually has "pits and valleys," much like a vinyl record. Either way, the end result is that the CD player laser reads differences in color/height and plays that back. Some CD players are more sensitive to the pits and valleys and "choke" when they encounter homemade CDs, which don't have the pits and valleys.

Another thing is to make sure that you've set iTunes preferences to make "Audio CDs," and not "MP3" or "data" CDs. If you are positive you're making "Audio CDs" with iTunes, it may just be that your car CD player is too sensitive to homemade CDs. It may also help to try a different brand of CD-R disk, as some are cheaper than others and don't yield as high-quality a burn as others. I would recommend Verbatim brand CD-Rs, as they seem to perform the best and have a long shelf life.

I hope that helps!
hi caca
you mentiond a certain cd to use.....where is the best place to find them? i checked
a few places and i am making audio far your a great help........
thanks again cleo
Well, I usually run down to the local computer store or a WalMart or some super-mega-market like that and they usually have Verbatim CD-Rs there... if you've got a Target, WalMart, CompUSA or some store like that close to you, they'll probably have them.
hey caca
you did it again for me..........i had one of the cds you said to try......and it sure made a gal very happy.......i burned it and tried it in my
vette and it worked thank you sooooo much....if there was an award for
helping someone with the same problem you would are very smart.
well now don't go leaving this forum, i might need you
thank you again cleo ;)
hi again, i have another problem. when i try to burn tunes that i downloaded from a cd thats now in the library ,the burn icon does not show it shows browse. so what am
i doing wrong? i can burn from purchased music,,,,,,thanks again for your help.
The only place that the "Browse" icon shows up for me is when I have selected the entire "Library" playlist.

Try this: make a new Playlist (click the little "plus" sign in the lower left-hand corner of iTunes), then drag-and-drop the songs you want from the Library playlist into the new playlist. Select the new playlist, check to make sure that it'll fit on a CD (look at the bottom middle of the iTunes window and make sure that the playlist is under about 70 or 80 minutes), then click "Burn."
hi caca that worked. lol i hope i don't have many more problems for you to help me
solve..........thanks again..........cleo
hi, is there some thing on i tunes for making labels for my cds? i checked but i may
not be looking in the right place.......thanks..........cleo
Yes there is -- simply click on a playlist that you burned to a CD, then hit Command-P (or select "Print" from the File menu).

A window with options for CD inserts and similar printouts, complete with different themes, should appear.
another question for you........i want to delete music from my music libary
the songs i dont want to keep. how do i do that....i did check but i had
no luck so thanks if you can help..........cleo