CD Tray Password lock, does it exist?


In 10.2, on all Macs that have the ejection keys on the keyboard, has anyone heard of software that would prompt for an ejection password when the key is pressed? I'm looking for a way to have game CD's stay in a series of Macs in my retail store without people grabbing them and leaving :)

Yes, but the networked game in question, Jedi Knight 2, won't use a mounted image as the CD when it makes it's check. We have the CD's, we don't want to use some 'NoCD workaround' in a retail environment.

No, all the Macs are networked, but all on display to the public, so it would disappear eventually.
Are the Macs all in one's like the iMac or the eMac? If they are towers, simply put the towers in a locked case. If not, then things are still tricky if you can't use a mounted image (why not?)
I couldn't tell you why not. I made the image using Disk Copy and mounted the .dmg file, but when Jedi Knight 2 loaded and ran its internal CD check, it wasn't satisfied.
I think so, Brain, but I don't think the hippopotamous will want to wear the underpants. Narf.
There are key mapping utilities out there (check, I've seen them, but I have not neded them). You might be able to map the eject key to something else.

if that won't work you'll most likely have to use an external cd drive that can be locked in a drawer or something like that.
I think it should work if you use Toast Titanium instead of Disc Copy to create and mount the images, at least for most games :)
If you have MAC OS X Server 10.2 you can create a user and edit their preferences. You can disable them CD access. I think if you keep the CD in there and then log in as them it will work.
Don't all macs still have the little emergency eject holes beside the CD drive? If so, all the permission tampering in the world wouldn't help against someone armed with a paperclip.

If the macs are towers, how about just mounting a CD-ROM drive inside the towers, where a HD would normally go? Actually, I don't know if it would fit properly - you might need to resort to using velcro and mounting the drives sideways... Put a strap or cable around them so they can't open and bump into the motherboard, and then use a padlock to fasten the cases shut.

As Javintosh mentioned, how about an external CD drive - that you could easily secure with a physical lock or similar.

I went to a gamming cafe and they had the towers pointed backwards. You had to have a key to unlock the computer from its storage.
Try going to hope depot and getting a small peice of thin tin and cutting it just larger than the opening for the 5.25 bay and put the metal peice inbetween the cd drive and the door on the case. it would block the tray from opening, might not look good but would be effective.
1. Open NetInfo Manager

2. Click the lock at the bottom of the window to authenticate

3. Click on the "users" directory, and then on the short name of the user you wish to change.

4. In the "Directory" menu, choose "New Property"

5. Name the property exactly mcx_flags

6. Paste the lines of XML below into the value of that property.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">

7. In the "Directory" menu, choose "New Property" again.

8. Name the property exactly mcx_settings

9. Paste the lines below into the value of that property:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">

Save, quit, and logout. You can change some of the <false/> keys to <true/> keys to modify other behaviors. To undo these changes, delete the two properties you added, save, quit, and logout/login.

*The only problem with this (That I have found) is that you can still eject the CD through iTunes, but other than that it works perfectly:-)
