cdrw - toast problem


Mac User
I just bought a new sony crx230 cdrw. I could burn in toast fine but when I press the "eject" command on screen or the "eject" menu my mac (beige G3) freezes completle. I cannot even move the mouse un the screen.
any ideas?
It sounds like Mac OS X doesn't like that CD-RW drive too much... I'm assuming you installed it internally, no? You may want to check the jumpers on the drive and make sure they match the jumpers on the CD drive you removed.

What version of Mac OS X are you using? Is the drive "seen" by iTunes or iPhoto? Can you burn CDs from the Finder without using Toast?
Do you have Apple's DiscBurner extensions enabled in addition to Toast's extensions? IIRC, if you have both Apple's and Toast's burning extensioned enabled, it could cause problems... give that a check.
disc burner extension is disabled.....
I will try and use the CDRW with macosx and see what happens
i'll keep this updated

thanks very much anyway
I installed the CDRW on its own IDE Cable as Master.
I can now press the eject button on the toast screen, but when I try to quit the program it again freezes the computer