Center Layers?

Right now with the way you have the site setup, it's impossible to do.
You'll have to redo your CSS and not use absolute positioning on every
DIV if you want to get it centered.


T`was a boring night here in Baton I spent an hour playing
with it, here's an example (scaled down to 740px wide):

** NOTE: I didn't test it in anything other than Safari 2.0 as it's just a quickie example. I'm sure Firefox probably mangles a few things (backgrounds) as will IE on the Win platform. These issues could be fixed with a little more time spent in a few areas. **

You might want to consider dropping those iFrames. They're an annoying
thing for the user and absolutely horrible for accessibility. If you have
to pull the contents from a separate file, use SSI or PHP and just make
the file you pull is pure (h3 and p tags only, no body or other tags...just
the way the code should look inside that section). For example...the
news one. Make a file called news.txt and have it look something like

<h3><span>October 15, 2005</span></h3>
<p>Dag van de Jeugdbeweging</p>
<p>Je wekker loopt af, je draait je nog eens goed om en.........</p>
<p>Want vandaag kan je zelfs voor schooltijd al.........</p>
<p>Het is Dag van de Jeugdbeweging op vrijdag.........</p>
<p>meer info op <a href="#" title=""></a></p>
<p>- Ben</p>

<h3><span>October 10, 2005</span></h3>
<p>Tijdsverdrijf #1</p>
<p>Don't Click! Een website waar je niet hoeft te..........</p>
<p>- senne</p>

<h3><span>October 08, 2005</span></h3>
<p>Dag van de Jeugdbeweging</p>
<p>Eindelijk heb ik eens kunnen nagaan of dat...........</p>
<p>Ik zal mijn best doen om de site ook zo..........</p>
<p>- senne</p>
Wow, thanks a lot mdnky! When i'm back in Brussels i will try to make my site look as good as your version... I say "try".

Thanks again