I consistently find that certain websites time out or return error messages from my Mac in a way that makes me wonder whether I have browser issues. However, I've been unable to find a browser that resolves the problem (and I've tried Firefox 1.0, Safari 1.2.4, and IE 5.2). That makes me wonder whether maybe there's a java issue.
This is on a Powerbook G4 running Mac OS X 10.3.7. I don't know how to determine the version of java I'm running.
The sites are a miscellany, including some which probably do have serious performance issues (like Orkut) and some which are too obscure to use for diagnostic purposes (some features of my local university library site). But one that's driving me crazy is the American Airlines site, aa.com.
Specifically, the frequent flyer flight search page:
...returns me the error:
Request Timeout
The server timed out waiting for the client request.
This happens any time of day or night, in any browser. Is it just them, or could I have something wrong at my end?
-- Prentiss Riddle http://prentissriddle.com
This is on a Powerbook G4 running Mac OS X 10.3.7. I don't know how to determine the version of java I'm running.
The sites are a miscellany, including some which probably do have serious performance issues (like Orkut) and some which are too obscure to use for diagnostic purposes (some features of my local university library site). But one that's driving me crazy is the American Airlines site, aa.com.
Specifically, the frequent flyer flight search page:
...returns me the error:
Request Timeout
The server timed out waiting for the client request.
This happens any time of day or night, in any browser. Is it just them, or could I have something wrong at my end?
-- Prentiss Riddle http://prentissriddle.com