CG3/Fripp's 'New Standard Tuning', experiences?


Translator, Web Developer
I was reading up on California Guitar Trio's use of the 'new standard tuning', which is based on fifths (low to high: C, G, D, A, E, G) for which Paul Richards' custom Somogyi was built (slanted frets).

Anyone tried this out, or even heard about it for that matter?

PS I was 2 feet from Bert Lambs at this performance in Old Quebec City, front row stage right, sweet!
Fripp ? Robert ?
What a coicidence: I saw King Crimson two days ago, and Yes three days ago. :D
Yeah Robert Fripp ;) California Guitar Trio studied with him...

That's really cool, and it is a nice co-incidance haha
Robert Fripp also worked with the League of Crafty Guitarists, if you know them; those are AWESOME. Their CD 'Show of Hands' is just perfect. Coinci-dances are nice :p
I don't know of them, but, I have heard a song by the name "Show of Hands" by the bassist virtuoso Victor that a conincidence?
I don't think so, he might be in the League. Check the Web (I can't do it for you, I'm on 56k this month), you may find more info.
Tell me about it. Oh and:
My friend has been experimenting with the new tuning. He says he likes it a lot.

I wouldn't know. I can't afford a stupid guitar. :)