cgi test scripts not found on mac


I've been reading that there is suppose to be a test.cgi and print.cgi in

but my mac osx did not include it and no where to be located on the computer. is there anywhere on the web to find these 2 examples ?

Where exactly did you read that Mac OS X includes those two files? They are not included in my installation of Mac OS X.

"test.cgi" and "print.cgi" are pretty common names, and I'll bet that one "test.cgi" file differs completely from another "test.cgi" file... what exactly are you trying to do?
there are many sites that say apple includes 2 scripts in the CGI-Executables/ folder test-cgi and pring-cgi or something along those lines, every site i've looked up for info refers to using the ones included with apple. I was looking for them to use them as a test for cgi

here's an example

/Library/WebServer/CGI-Executables/ folder. If you browse to that folder now, you'll see the two CGI scripts printenv and test-cgi
'... test.cgi and print.cgi ...', no - it is 'test-cgi' and 'print-cgi'. Both file would be located in '/Library/WebServer/CGI-Executables/', if they exist.

Consider reading 1 and 2.