Currently if I double click on a text file my OS 9 classic is started up (if not already so) and then the old SimpleText is launched. Any idea how to change it to something like TextEdit?
Originally posted by travelgz Hi,
Currently if I double click on a text file my OS 9 classic is started up (if not already so) and then the old SimpleText is launched. Any idea how to change it to something like TextEdit?
what you do is this:
you go to the folder that contains your text files, mark them all by shiftclicking all of them, then do a get info. this get info box applies to all marked files. here you can change the default application to textedit or whatever...
you can, of course, also do this with pictures to open in preview, html in omni web or whatever you want ...
Thanks. That's what I had thought was the way. But when I did an Option-I to see the info and selected "Application", I see the "Default Application Section" and the button for changing that default is not clickable. I tried to repeat this as root (relogged in) and it still would not let me change. Did I not configure something correctly?
try clicking on the little square icon of the application. a pull-down list should pop out with one command being 'change default application' ...
hope this works for you ...