changing fontsize in finder?


I sure would like to change the fontsize of the text under apps and folders in the finder/finderwindows...

is there an easy way to do this? I want my small os 9 text back...

i will be greatful for any tips

I subscribe your wishes. If you run through several Mac OS X forums, you'll notice that changing finder's font type and size, among many other GUI elements if a repeated claim from many, many users. I think we should loudly make Apple hear our voices. Sorry, but I'm not aware of any solutions. :<(

Franco Franchi
Powerbook G3 Bronze
early adopter, yet still trying to convince myself that moving to OS X was a sound choice.
Originally posted by mrc
I sure would like to change the fontsize of the text under apps and folders in the finder/finderwindows...

is there an easy way to do this? I want my small os 9 text back...

i will be greatful for any tips


I also have this problem. Somebody says that change the revolution higher then we can get the small size. I followed the way. But I found that the font in application like IE is too small. It won't always use the fond size to display fonts.The font is too small. I have to change the fontsize time and time.

Any better way like directly set the system font smaller?