Changing path


how do i change my path to include /usr/local/bin
as of now my path only has

echo $PATH

most of the apps (like Wget,Links,BitchX, ect...) i've installed are located in /usr/local/bin, so to run them i have to type '/usr/local/bin/wget'
how do i correct this so i just have to type the command itself?
one shot

export PATH=${PATH}:/usr/local/bin
export PATH

To make it stick, put those lines in your .bashrc

echo 'export PATH=${PATH}:/usr/local/bin' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'export PATH' >> ~/.bashrc
does it matter if this is for bash,tsch,zsh...
do i not have to modify /usr/share/tcsh/examples/
on OS X sh = bash, and csh = tcsh. zsh I don't know about.

If you're using tcsh, the syntax is slightly different.

setenv path "${path} /usr/local/bin"

and it goes in your .cshrc, not .bashrc