Check out what I made :)

It seems really cool, and fast too. I've just noticed one problem. Under the last Preference there is a heading called "User Custom," then some blank space, then a selection called "Update," which when clicked does not work. I've included a screen shot for you to see what I'm looking at. Nice work tho.

[Edit] Btw, this is the correct link: [/Edit]


  • dockpref.jpg
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Any suggestions before a 1.0 final release and I post it on VersionTracker? I'm glad you guys like it:)
Jokell, do you have anything beides preference panes in your folders? The duplicate blanks is odd... What prefpanes are installed on your computer and where?
Originally posted by ksuther
Jokell, do you have anything beides preference panes in your folders? The duplicate blanks is odd... What prefpanes are installed on your computer and where?

FruitMenu, TinkerTool, and Windowshade X are the only ones I have other than the Apple ones. They're installed in ~/Library/PreferencePanes/
Ok, fixed that problem, should work fine now. I also made a prettier icon :)
Any other ideas before I put it up on VT? :-p
1.0 doesn't work for me. The one I d/l'ed here the other day was perfect. Accidentally overwrote that one with the new one this morning. Now no workie :(. When I click on it in the dock nothing happens. At all.

This is on my G4 Quicksilver 733/ 512MB RAM/ 7GB partition/ 10.1.2/ SoundSticks/ iPod
PrefPanes installed:
WindowShade X, MouseZoom, TinkerTool, DoubleBoth
Works for me. Coooool.
I think I would make the icon look less like the preferences icon. Maybe just the light switch part or something. It just seems weird to use it and then have the prefs icon pop up next to it. Just a suggestion.
Hmm, cybergoober. Somebody else emailed me about this also. Try logging out and back in... always works for me :) That happens sometimes when the Dock gets all messed up...
I was just getting ready to reply saying that after logging out/in it regained functionality.
Sweet. Cool dockling. Now if only Apple would release the info on menulings. That would be super-sweet! Thanks for the timely response!
I'm hoping that apple implements something like this into the dock menu of the System Preferences app. That's the way it should have been from the start :)
Originally posted by cybergoober
Now if only Apple would release the info on menulings. That would be super-sweet!

I'm sorry that my post might take away some attention to your nice dockling (it really is), but there's menuversum (look for it at ...) which not only gives you a Mac OS 9 style application switcher menu but also a nice direct System Prefs menu in the menu bar.