Chimera 0.5 is out!

Sounds great. Hopefully it will work better as the chimera in 10.2 is very glitchy ie. really screwed up scrolling with a scrolling wheel, unexpedetly quiting, and site screw ups. I'll check it out.
I uh... downloaded this build..... where are the new features? Or is this just more stable?

btw, Chimera is now my default browser. :D
I think that it is largely more stable. There is supposed to be some flash fixes. I don't have a scroll wheel, but my biggest complaint before was using multiple tabs.

After a certain number of tabs, it would get extremely slooow. This has been fixed. Tabs are now very speedy. Also, if you open more than a certain number of tabs, new tabs will be directed into new windows.

there is a couple of minor improvements, like the ability to move toolbar bookmarks and also the ability to drag shortcuts from a tab icon to the desktop.

Now that tabs work like a charm, Chimera is my main browser. One of the things that i like about Chimera is that it is a very fast and slim web browser that truly belongs in OSX. :D
Note that this isn't the official release of 0.5.0, but the latest nightly build.

That said, it is quite fast and stable so far.

I didn't have any problems with 0.4.x in Jaguar though.
I can't import my mozilla 1.1 bookmarks into the nightly .5 build. Not good. Oh well, Moz tends to be slightly faster, can remember passwords and encrypt them, and with the Pinstripe theme, matches OS X.

I guess I will have to wait to see if Chimera can import .html bookmark files. I think it still uses .xml...wonder what is the problem...
Heck, I just hate having to import in general. I wish all web browsers could just use the same bookmarks....So they would all stay in sync. What's wrong with the "Favorites" for each user in Mac OS X? WHy can't they all just use that set of favorites? ... Because that would be intelligent, that's why. :D
Originally posted by übermac®™

I guess I will have to wait to see if Chimera can import .html bookmark files. I think it still uses .xml...wonder what is the problem...
Hmm, it is working with IEs bookmarks.
So it seems to be able to import at least some .html bookmark files.
Didn't try Mozilla, though.
:D Yes yes yes... my favourite football site doesn't crash Chimera anymore!! (Would even crash Mozilla!)

IE is slipping away fast.:D
Still fast.
The little icon in the location bar.
Not much visible improvements…
… but it's damn stable :)

I don't find the new Prev/Next/Reload/Stop icons so great :(. The "whiter" ones were better IMHO.
Just spent the morning doing some serious research/browsing with this build and must say it is fantastic (for me;) )...

Yep, love those little icons as well:p
Originally posted by toast

Argh ! Command-LeftArrow and Command-RightArrow won't push me Back and Forward ! :( :( :(

Yes, it's been a big topic of debate. But, if you can get used to it (not that difficult), you will see how much sense it actually makes. First, command+arrow in Mac OS should shoot you to the beginning or end of a line in a text editing environment. Of course, since much Mac programming is sloppy, it gets violated too often. I notice this since I came from Unix/Windows, where there is an OS-wide key for doing this. So, imagine you are typing in this text box on, and you want to go up a few lines and move the cursor to the beginning. With the keyboard. Up a few lines then command+left arrow. Done. Do that in other browsers. You can't, AFAIK. Once I played around with these things, I truly appreciated this. So, they are actually staying more within the structure of Mac OS from what I can tell.

Does this make sense?
i use command arrows a hell of a lot for backwards and forwards, did they change the shortcut or get rid of it all together?
It is now command+[ and command+]. Another argument for it was that some keyboard don't have the arrow keys, so you would need to use a modifier for them. I think that that argument it pretty moot these days, but it's been mentioned.
erhm, no, you got that wrong. all keyboards have arrow keys. but Apple-[ is - on a Swiss German keyboard, for example, Apple-Option-5, which isn't really user friendly. Plus: Apple-LeftArrow and Apple-RightArrow are good for EVERY other browser. I'm so used to it. This is really bad. How can I change it to use the normal shortcuts?

Well, whatever, back to OmniWeb, whick rocks with keyboard shortcuts, anyway. Way faster browsing like that.