Chimera changing it's name

Try words in other languages.... Internet is international.
"Voyage" (=travel)
"Traveler" is probably ok
Hmm... What about Giga Browser Ultra Light? :) It would be a reference to the dumb code name of the PowerPC 970 (which I still don't buy is an IBM internal name, "Giga Processor Ultra Light"? Come on...) and express that it's basically a bloated open source project cut down in weight.

Then again, GBUL doesn't sound right. :P
Originally posted by lonny
...Voyager was (and maybe still is?) the standard browser on the Amiga, and the first one I used on my home system!...
If that's taken, then they should just copy Ford/Lincoln and call it eitehr the Expedition or Excursion. :D
in the tradition of Chimera, ie. being an ancient Greek word, I have a few suggestions:

Bellerophon - he killed the chimera
Hermes - the messenger
Tiresias - the blind seer
Hercules - we all remember the cartoon
Pegasus - the winged horse
Zephyr - gentle god of the west wind (and in the spirit of el camino)
Odysseus - the voyager

Voyager and Camino are kind of boring.
Actually, Odysseus would make a LOT of sense... It's been an odyssey, right? Pegasus is a Windows mail client, Hercules has not ONLY been a cartoon ;)...

But if we stay with _monsters'_ names, how about:

Cthulhu (kind of a chimera, isn't HE?)
Frankenstein's Monster

Erhm... I guess we'll see what they choose. Camino? Why not. Although it sounds sweeter than Chimera is. And I _do_ hope they get rid of the 'Navigator' moniker for the app itself... Two names are bad.
mozilla was already threatened legally by the trademark owners of godzilla.... i doubt they would like them to actually use the name godzilla ;)
Cthulhu (kind of a chimera, isn't HE?)

ROFL! :p

IIRC A Chimera is the beast with body & head of a lion, another head of a goat and a dragon or serpent as tail ... we could take other mythological monsters' names: like Manticore, Hydra, Medusa, etc.
a reflection is that iMera could be read in my native language "more of i" and expand that to more of internet.......but that word game would only be valid in scandinavian languages... i.e danish, swedish and nowegan language....

So I'll vote for Voyager
....... if not Adams BabelFish would do.
The Babel fish is a fictional species of fish in "The Hitch Hikers Guide To The Galaxy" by Douglas Adams that magicaly make all spieces talk to each other.
but perhaps that name would be better of for a translation application.....