Chimera's new name

How can you use three browsers at once!

simple. launch three different browsers. and go where ever you want in whichever one you like. i often have two launched at once - icab and omniweb and occassionally fire up that third one for a really difficult site that requires netrape or exploiter.don't forget folks, this is osx. having lots of apps open and running is easy and why shouldn't those apps be browsers?

and folks, omniweb's speed has been increasing dramatically with the last few sneaky peeks. I made a big announcemant about it in general software support last week. :)
I use Mozilla now, but I'm not pleased with it... There is really no mac-browser that's good enough out there at the moment I think..Let's hope Chimera will fix that:)
I also have Explorer in my dock for difficult pages.
Ed, I've been running omniweb sneaky peek 62 recently. It is getting much much better! Which I like. I will go with whatever I like and whatever is good. I'm not only going to use mozilla no matter what.
I'm using OmniWeb currently, but I do sometimes get really annoyed by OmniWeb's speed. Mozilla and Chimera are so much faster! Chimera isn't really usable enough for me to use right now, and I have tried to use Mozilla, but I really can't stand it. I hate the interface. I also hate the fact that it imports all IE "favorites" (God, don't you hate that name?), but it can't import my OW bookmarks. I've tried it, and it doesn't work. It's really annoying to manually copy all my bookmarks from OW to Mozilla, especially when I can't stand the bookmark interface in Mozilla. One thing I really do like about Mozilla is tabs. Since Chimera has tabs, though, once it gets usable, I may use it if it ends up having a nice enough interface.

I have to say, though, that I may never switch to Chimera full-time. I love OmniWeb because it just has such an intuitive bookmark managing interface, as well as all the cool feature like the "View Links" and "Get Info" things that allow you to do so much.

I hope that Chimera can gain all these capabilities, but I dunno.. it just seems to me that it's just never going to be as well integrated as OmniWeb.

I'm not trying to bash Chimera or anything here.. it's just that OmniWeb is SOOO useful even though it might be a tad slow. And I don't know if even Chimera can take OmniWeb out of the prized spot of being my almost-full-time browser. I use OmniWeb exclusively on my mom's iBook and my dad's PowerBook because it runs without any hiccups. On my aging cube, though, it sometimes gets slow, especially because I use Project Builder and Interface builder a lot at the same time, which take up a lot of resources, slowing down OmniWeb a bunch.

Whatever. Browsing on Mac OS X can only go up from here, and since we have a number of options (OmniWeb, Chimera, Mozilla, Internet Explorer, iCab, Netscape – in order of most favorite to least favorite), the outlook looks great. :)
yeah os x seems to have the best competition between browsers. competition is good. selection is good. Also if you choose a browser other then IE on mac you don't get bashed for doing so (by other mac users that is).
Something weird happened with Chim yesterday. When I typed in, it showed a message. I can't exactly remember what the mesage said, but it was something about lazy typers.

This is very weird!:confused:
xoot, I dont think thats chim. Sometimes blogger spits out the wrong code, i've noticed it occasionally. It gives you just the code for their little text advertisement on the side for some strange reason. Usually if I just reload it gives me the main page.
It's not a theme, just some simple hacking done by myself;)
Conrol-click on Chimera, select show package contents, open "contents" folder then "resources" and there you have all the button-images to play with. (open them in photoshop en hue them to blue if you want "aqua" buttons)
Nice hack, man!

The nice thing is that if you were up to it you could quickly and easily make your OWN button images... a nice feature for sure.
I hate to break it to you, but if you poke around you will find out that chimera has a totally new icon set in 0.2 :D
"When its ready" :D

Seriously, I'm not sure. They are thinking about releasing it without plugins but they are still working on that. I'm not sure of a date.
Speaking of plug-ins...

Windows Media files do not work with the latest Mozilla I tried (0.9.9). Is the Mozilla team (or even Chimera) going to include this? I can't imagine they would leave it out just because it's MS, but I don't know anything about browsers.