Ciao 4 simX

congrats Simone!! of course i figure we only have about a 50/50 chance you will read this and respond, but welcome to the 1000+ posts count club. Reviews of your recent posts have been favorable and expectations for more are very high.:cool:
simX post counts increase faster now than mine. In the future I can't prevent that he is taking the third place. He has now gone into the top5 and has past endian. I have just received an email from my local computerdealer.
Hmm, poor simX isn't gettin any loving from anybody? All the other congrats threads are jam packed :)

That being said, congrats simX :D
I just wanna give a shoutout to mah dawg simX, congrats playah, stay true and keep it tight for the M A C...

Werd, one luv.
Congrats sim! Although you probably wont read this for a while, as you vocally oppose the other sections of the forum and you aren't the most frequent visitor to them :)