cinema display 20" - wrong resolution under 10.2



I'm trying to get a Cinema Display 20" work on my Power Mac G4 under OSX10.2 but something is going wrong.
maybe someone has an idea where the problem could be:

I have a ATI Radeon 7000 PCI Card with Dr.Bots DVIator and a AGP ATI Rage 128 with a second Monitor connected.
I installed and updated the driver for the Radeon 7000 and updated the firmware.
when i boot without the secong monitor connected the cinema display turns on and displays the grey boot screen but when the log on screen appears the display turns off...

when i boot with the second monitor connected, the cinema display turns on, when the logon screen appears. but the resolution is only 1280x1024 and no higher resolution can be selected in the monitor controllfield.

but if i boot with mac os9.2.2. everything works fine! the cinema display works with a resolution of 1680x1050!

so, what do i wrong under osx? i'm not very experienced with osx and i hope that somebody could help.
thanks a lot,
Which Vid card/monitor gets the log-in screen when booting to OS X? You might want to try changing so the opposite display shows the log-in, I've heard of this before.