Cinema Display USB problem


I recently bought a iPaq 3660 and today got my USB sync station along with the PocketMac software. I plugged the syncstation into the left USB port of my keyboard, which is connected to the USB hub of my Cinema Display.
From this moment on, the USB hub in my Cinema Display stopped working!!! BUT it works on other Macs! I haven't tested other Apple display here but I think the USB hardware part of my graphics board is broken (I somehow has to route the USB signal over the ADC, hasn't it?). Anyone expierenced a similar problem and could advise me what do to?

I had exactly the same problem yesterday, after installing the beta version of the driver for my ADSL modem. After I uninstalled the driver everything went back to normal, so I think it's a driver compatibility problem. I also have an Apple Cinema Display, with a DVI-ADC adaptor. I don't know if the adaptor has anything to do with it though. I will try to do some more testing this week, I'll let you know if I find something. Why don't you try uninstalling the PocketMac software?

I haven't installed the PocketMac software yet! This is what happened:
I turned on my Mac, booted into OS X. While my Mac was booting, I set up the USB station and then plugged the USB cable into my keyboard...boom...Keyboard gone, Mouse gone, Soundsticks gone. I first thought that the iPaq interrupt the system - a common problem with unsupported USB devices - but then realized that the USB no longer works and both MacOS X and 9.2 no longer recognize my Cinema Display as a Cinema Display but as a "unknown display" running at 1600x1200.

I am really puzzled and I fear that it is a hardware fault...which might get expensive, repairing a Cinema Display is expensive as HELL if the warranty is gone...and just to get back the USB functionality isn't worth beeing a few weeks without it, so I think I will have to live with it...a new USB hub is cheaper...but it still makes me a bit angry, because I did nothing wrong.
Could you do me a favour and post what the System profilers (both OS 9.x and OS X) tell about your Cinema Display? I just want to check because I can't remember what mine was listed like before it happened.

Under 9.x, this is what the System profiler display (have to translate to english):

16,7 Mil Colours
72x72 dpi
Main display

IIRC, before it listed it as a Cinema Display with USB hub and everything...
Originally posted by ulrik
Under 9.x, this is what the System profiler display (have to translate to english):

16,7 Mil Colours
72x72 dpi
Main display

That's what mine says too, under PCI SLOT-1 (AGP) > Video card. Under USB, the monitor's hub is listed as USB Monitor, with driver AppleMonitorModule version 1.7.3 (also translated, from French :)

I couldn't find it under OS X, I'll have another look, hang on...
OK, under OS X the monitor hub is listed but the keyboard and mouse do not appear to be attached to this hub (in fact, they are connected to the monitor). The monitor is not listed under the PCI slot, only the graphics card is. It looks like Profiler does not see my monitor, although it is working perfectly. I never looked at this before so I can't tell you if it was like this before.

Hope this helps... good luck with your problem!