Cintiq on an iMac G5?

Steve Downer

Hey there,
I'm looking to get a Wacom Cintiq for my illustration studio.
I'm using an iMac G5 running Tiger and I know Apple disabled dual monitors on their video card for iMac.
I also know that there's a freeware program that allows you to enable dual monitors if you've got the correct video card– it's called Screen Spanning Doctor and it seems to have a pretty good reputation.

My question is this:
Will Screen Spanning Doctor allow me to use the Cintiq the way it's meant without any screen stretching or other screwups? Or am I SOL, and should I get a Mac Pro with Leopard and all that jazz?

Right, and that touch-sensitivity/tablet issue is what's got me worried.

A closer look at those links shows that the message board poster's problem was posted well before the Tiger patch was released, so it might be okay. Fingers crossed!
And thanks, ElDiabloConCaca!