circle with a slash G4


This Circle with the slash through it came up on the monitor
after I installed the USB drivers from My new 2 wire modem router.

I have rebooted w/ the OSX disc.
I have ran disc first aid
I have ran Disc Warrior
I have restarted holding down the option, apple, r & p keys till the second chime
Still a circle with a slash.
Any other ideas, I will give them all a shot at this point.
Thanks Robie
The circle with a line through it means that the Mac could not find a valid System folder. Now, if Disk First Aid and DiskWarrior made repairs without complaining about something severe about actual disk problems, it sounds like one of your system files is corrupted. An easy, but slightly-time-consuming fix would be to use your OS X disc to re-install Mac OS X, and use the "option" that says "Archive and Install" to keep all of your user settings and files, but give you a new system.

Thanks for your suggestion only now
it will not boot up with the install disc in the
the tray and me holding down the C key.
The circle comes up now, when before it
would ask if I wanted to install???????
