circular shaped text container


Hi guyz..
I want to change the shape of the textcontainer in cocoa. that is i want to have the circular shaped text container. i red the documentation related to text container. but cudnt do it! can any 1 give me the code for that??? plzz help me....

thans in advance
I searched aloooot in the net. still it wasnt useful. i tried subclasssing NSTextContainer and overloading
- (NSRect)lineFragmentRectForProposedRect:(NSRect)proposedRect sweepDirection:(NSLineSweepDirection)sweepDirection movementDirection: (NSLineMovementDirection)movementDirection remainingRect:(NSRect *) remainingRect

but i donno how to implement above method. coz this method will be called soo many times

pleeeeease help me..i am stumped!!