Cisco sues Apple over iPhone Trademark

My guess is rather that from the very _beginning_ Cisco was hoping to cling on to Apple's halo. They didn't have a _product_ called iPhone until like two days before MWSF! Like this, they can be in the spotlight over and over again and create some confusion whenever they release a new version of their iPhone. Maybe some will even mailorder it, thinking it's the Apple iPhone, and might find it "okay" enough for the price. You know... Sneaky sales. Either way: I'm glad it came out as it did. Apple can now be well and sell all the iPhones they want. All the buzz they've created in the industry (well, the years of rumours of course helped them for free as well), imagine if they had to rename it now or in June. That would have been sad.
This is odd.

Apple was in talks with Cisco regarding the use of the iPhone name. Cisco wanted Apple to implement a number of network specific features into the phone, cisco protocol compatibilities, etc etc. Apple refused to make THEIR product to another company's specs .. and Cisco wouldn't budge either.

In the news article Lt. Major Burns posted:

"Under the deal, they will also work together in the areas of security, consumer and business communications."

I'm willing to bet that Cisco felt the pressure of the Apple iPhone, realized it would not be an open and shut case - and then decided to lessen their demands on Apple - I notice Cisco interoperability was not mentioned there :)