Clarisdraw replacement?


Under classic, I've been occassionally using Clarisdraw (was MacDraw) to do layout for woodworking. Given Claris is no more :(, I'd like to replace it with someing OS X native, but I'm not that interested in an expensive CAD tool. I'm happy if I can just do simple drafting, and automatically get annotated layout lines like I could in Clarisdraw.

Any recommendations? :confused:
Thanks for the recommendations! I looked at the description of conceptdraw, and it doesn't seem to be intended for scale drawings (drafting), with layout lines, etc.

I haven't downloaded Canvas yet, but I will do so shortly.
You might want to try the carbonized demo of Freehand 10 while you're at it. I am not the biggest fan of Freehand (nor is it a CAD program, strictly speaking) but it's another possibility.
OMG, this was 12 years ago...but still looks like ConceptDraw is a very strong Visio replacement and perfect for ERD, UML, ORM, FlowCharts, etc. - Free Download Trial is available. I like the appearance of the diagrams this Product produces and this is an important consideration for me.