Classic printing suddenly stopped


I have HP1200 that prints fine in OSX but just stopped printing in Classic. I see the printer in the Chooser but it doesn't seem to get the ppd file when I hit autosetup. The file is sent to the printer OK as well, but never seems to print. It just hangs until I cancel the job. running 10.1.4.

I reinstalled the ppd from the HP CD ROM but that did nothing. G4 tower.

Any ideas?
Hmmmm... From what I've heard Classic is really only an emulator. The OS attempts to connect to the printer but is stopped because basically OS X is in the way. Usually you'll have to boot into OS 9 to print if your printer doesn't have drivers for OS 9.
I was previously able to print from Classic and I have installed drivers for the HP1200, so that does not seem to be the problem.

The Chooser sees the HP1200 but if I try to run Setup it doesn't seem to see the PPD and a file is sent to the printer but never gets printed. Printing in OSX works fine.