Classic Software That works/doesn't work


Here is a list of applications and games that work/don't work for me:

Painter Classic
Kai Phot Soup


TombRaider (Software Renderer only)
Total Annialoation
Myth II
Dark Forces
Card Shop
Vritual Gameboy (No Rave)
Every Kids game worked


Doesn't work:
IBM ViaVioce
Iomega Tools

Unreal (Black screen)
Unreal Tournament (Black screen)
Mechwarrior 2
Bugdom (Black Screen)
Nansours (Black Screen)
Rainbow 6
Heros III (can't find CD)
I thought maybe I was the only one who couldn't get Iomega to work... =)

Add Macromedia Dreamweaver to the files that don't work.
It attempts to load, BUT, it locks up on a javascript load error something like thatl.

I have Dreamweaver 3, and it does load up fine for me. I have been using it extensively in Classic mode, and am actually quite pleased with the performance, however I think the html editor included with OS X is very good too, and I plan to use it instead.
Im on a G4 400 with 128MB ram.

softwindows works? wow. i wonder about Virtual PC. (I have a beige G3 as my main machine at work, with a windows 2000 machine next to it that is seldom used except for a couple of old IIS specific sites that are still needed on rare occasion. I'm getting rid of that machine though and replacing the G3 with a G4, but still need to access Windows on rare occasions. If Mac OS X PB will let me do that, it'll be a happy day).

As for Dreamweaver: Some pictures I saw of Seybold showed Dreamweaver in Mac OS X with the full Aqua interface. I don't know when\if\how big commercial applications like that will be distributed during the Public Beta cycle. Some smaller shops, especially long-time Openstep shops like Stone Design have some great tools available today that are truely Mac OS X ready. (and it's been my experience so far that Cocoa apps have been faster than Carbon apps -- i think there's more debug code in Carbon which is probably still being heavily refined).

Thanks for the list of working\not working apps.
Virtual PC does not work. I got an email from Connectix sayng they plan to support Virtual PC under OS X sometime in the future but for now it will not run in CLASSIC mode.
I've been running Word from Office 98 pretty extensively and it works fine under classic for me.

Eudora and Photoshop both work well for me too. Actually, I've had a lot more stability with my classic apps than my OS X apps- especially Explorer!

Originally posted by mschemen
Here is a list of applications and games that work/don't work for me:

[stuff deleted]

Which version? Quicken 2000 hangs (itself and the Classic environment) on launch for me (Beige G3/266 w/320MB RAM).
Originally posted by stiber
Originally posted by mschemen
Here is a list of applications and games that work/don't work for me:

[stuff deleted]

Which version? Quicken 2000 hangs (itself and the Classic environment) on launch for me (Beige G3/266 w/320MB RAM).

Quicken 2001 crashed in Classic when I tried upgrading a '98 data file. I then upgraded the file while booted into 9.0.4 which worked. I then opened the file successfully under Classic but crashed it when I selected an account in the account list. Gave up after that.
Originally posted by hudson9
Virtual PC does not work. I got an email from Connectix sayng they plan to support Virtual PC under OS X sometime in the future but for now it will not run in CLASSIC mode.

I had to delete VPC 3.0 to free up space for X. I then tried to reinstall in under 9.0.4 but it won't install, I believe 'cause X moved the system folder.

I then successfully installed 1.0.1 under X Classic but couldn't upgrade to 2.0 under X Classic or 9.0.4 ( with the system folder moved). I'm waiting to here from them but I hope they at least let you install and run 3.0 from 9.0.4 with the system folder moved for X.
Has anyone been able to run 3.0 from 9.0.4 after upgrading to X?
pretty much all my Classic apps work, but classic apps often will load then quit right away and I am then un able to do anything with a classic app for a long period of time....sometimes even an hour later they stil just quit on me, but then magically with no change to the system at all they work again a few mins after that.....anyone else experience this?
Sometimes when I load a Classic app for the first time, Classic will boot and the program will load and then immediately quit and the Classic environment will disappear too. But, if I load it the second time, the Classic environment will stay up and the program will work normally. After that Classic, works great for me.

About Quicken 2001- I heard it was carbonized, though Intuit doesn't recommend running it in the OSX. Are you running it in OSX or classic when it crashes?
Originally posted by mschemen
Here is a list of applications and games that work/don't work for me:


Doesn't work:

Heros III (can't find CD)

I've had no problems running Word 98 and Powerpoint 98.

I did reinstall Mac OS 9 specifically to run as classic, and updated to 9.04. I then let (running under this new system folder, i.e. 9.04) each program reinstall it's needed extensions. Running these programs under OS X seems to work fine at this point.

As for Heroes III, I've not had any problems running under classic whatsoever. I start up with the CD in the drive, and it appears at the Computer level in the finder.

The above experiences are with a Powerbook G3 (bronze), with OS X installed on a HFS + partition (I could not get classic to run with a UFS partition install, and I could not read help files in that configuration to figure out why :-(.

Interestingly enough (to me anyway); I've had better luck running the older version of Explorer under Classic than the new version under OS X, in particular the new version does not play nice with firewall exceptions.
Originally posted by stiber
Originally posted by mschemen
Here is a list of applications and games that work/don't work for me:

[stuff deleted]

Which version? Quicken 2000 hangs (itself and the Classic environment) on launch for me (Beige G3/266 w/320MB RAM).

Quicken 2000 works for me under Classic mode just fine. I'm using a B&W G3 with 512MB Ram