Classic to be disabled in panther?

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Originally posted by macosXrumors
I don't think that Apple will disable classic on Panther, believe me I have some reliable people informing me.

I don't think any reliable source is necessary here (although I appreciate this last post of yours, don't misunderstand me ;) ).

I mean, logical sense is enough to understand Apple has strictly no reason for killing a (still important !) part of its consumer base.

I think, as Doxology does, that the confusion comes from the dual boot. May I add: long live MacOS 9.2.2 and its unequalled speed on my G3/500.
Education will always be behind. Some schools around here still use 8.5
By the time they finally switch to Mac OS X everything will be native and Mac OS 9 will be another distant memory.
As I stated on an earlier post on another site, OS 9 will be gone when apple offers a machine that does not use OS9 to enable OSX to appear work. At that time I thought that this point would be reached by the end of this year. I am no longer that optimistic. If you watch the problems that arise with each upgrade to OSX, this entire OS is going to be a long lasting developmental problem. In my opinion, the Mac OS is going to split in to OS9/OSX in the near term. After OSX-plus matures, this will change. For the better, I hope.
Originally posted by filcall
...the Mac OS is going to split in to OS9/OSX in the near term.
How so? Apple is trying to kill OS 9 as best it is able, and it's doing a pretty good job since new computers don't boot into it, and most software is either hybrid or X-only now. They won't offer a choice of 9 or X or something like that, that's for sure.
Originally posted by Rhino_G3
:confused: :confused: :confused:
I haven't heard that in a loooong while!
I luv classic alot. Classic is da bomb. I use 9 more than X. I dunno, I like X, but like 9 is better IMO
s tere a way to bot into OS 9 on a PB G4?
See this goes against everything I've heard so far.

I heard that Apple was to release OS9.3 at the same time as OS 10.3, so they'd be perfectly compatible. I also heard that there'd be a new key on the bootup screen (like T for Target Disk Mode, C for boot off CD etc etc) that would boot into Classic, so you didn't have to open up OSX and change the Startup Disk.

I NEED OS9 to use my WallStreet's module floppy drive, which I need to transfer files between my PCs and it, as I can't afford a hub, and already have a crossover cable in use. Apple disables OS9 booting, they had better'd introduce Disk support in Panther, or else I'm sticking with Jaguar.

I'd like it if they release ADB Wacom drivers too, so I could use my tablet in OSX. There's no USB port on the computer for my USB tablet...

Sigh - I want a PowerBook G4.
Originally posted by arden
How so?
1. Apple is trying to kill OS 9 as best it is able, and it's doing a pretty good job since new computers don't boot into it, and
2. most software is either hybrid or X-only now.
3. They won't offer a choice of 9 or X or something like that, that's for sure.

1. They're just cutting all their costs related to OS9, which is a logical move.
2. That's a natural evolution, little to do Apple Inc. policies IMHO.
3. For sure, see point 1.
I, too, use 9 more than X, which I almost never boot into. However, when I do, I have no problems using floppies.

A new key to boot into Classic would be useful, however I doubt they would do this because none of the computers they sell would be able to use it.
Imagine how well OS X could run when Apple finally can remove Classic support (in maybe 3-5 years).
Originally posted by arden
Imagine how well OS X could run when Apple finally can remove Classic support (in maybe 3-5 years).

Erhm... Stop 'Classic' and you'll see how fast Mac OS X is today... (?!) Mac OS X is in no way reduced to 'support Classic'.
Machacker: No, I sometimes have problems booting into 9, but they seem to be related to the 250 MB Zip drive.

fryke: I'm talking about when Apple can stop having to support Classic completely and devote all its resources to making X run quickly and efficiently, not just how it runs when Classic isn't running.
Originally posted by arden
Machacker: No, I sometimes have problems booting into 9, but they seem to be related to the 250 MB Zip drive.

fryke: I'm talking about when Apple can stop having to support Classic completely and devote all its resources to making X run quickly and efficiently, not just how it runs when Classic isn't running.
Wierd... I have the same iMac and It wont boot into OS X without a safeboot...
I think classic should stay with OS X
What do you have installed, both hardware and software? What version of X are you using? Does booting into 9 work?
Originally posted by arden
What do you have installed, both hardware and software? What version of X are you using? Does booting into 9 work?
Im not gonna talk about it here because thats not what this thread is about. If you have AIM, hit me at "OxagenWastinLosa". Lol... I have the worst screen names...
It's not the schools that will keep the Classic environment alive, but the publishing industry. Even with Quark 6.0 coming out, most newspapers and magazines that use Macs will stay in the OS 9 environment, for cheaper costs at least.
Eventually, everything that is Classic now will migrate to later OS's, but you're not going to see too many companies shilling out hefty amounts, especially in this economic climate, of $$$ to go to an unproven commodity such as 6/0. Heck, most I know of still stay in the early versions of 4.0 for Quark.
Apple's not going to shoot itself in the foot by killing something so quickly. 10.3 and later revisions will all add features that make it easier for migration. Think of how they handled the jump to Jaguar, gradual not sudden. Sudden would = suicide in this case.
Definitely. That's why I give Classic a lifespan of 3-5 years: that's how long I think it'll take Apple and the industry to get to the point where Classic is more like Antique.
That's why I give Classic a lifespan of 3-5 years: that's how long I think it'll take Apple and the industry to get to the point where Classic is more like Antique.
Not too long ago, I would laugh and call that heresy, but I think you're right on. And most won't miss it. I know I was hesitant to abandon it, but now, outside of the workplace, I rarely run it except to power a few apps.
I just wish there were an easier, cheaper way to move to OS X than having to re-buy every piece of software you already own. That's the main hindrance for most people; Apple should offer some kind of rebates for software if you upgrade all your stuff when you buy OS X.
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