I've got OSX installed on beige G3 266, 96 Ram. OSX and Classic work almost perfectly. Except that Classic tends to refuse to quit. I've got OS9 on one partition, OSX + OS9 on the other. While in OSX, clicking e.g. on the Word98 app or on a Word98 file icon will start up Classic, but Word doesn't open. Suppose I open the Classic app in a second step (first I open Classic, THEN Word98) then double-click on a Word file, the file won't show up. I found only one way to open it, that is by the File pop-up menu in Word itself.
Suppose now I want to quit Classic, I quit Word first, then I do Command + Q to quit Classic... nothing happens... do it by the pop-up menu... nothing again. Eventually I force to quit, then it's ok. What a procedure!
I've got OSX installed on beige G3 266, 96 Ram. OSX and Classic work almost perfectly. Except that Classic tends to refuse to quit. I've got OS9 on one partition, OSX + OS9 on the other. While in OSX, clicking e.g. on the Word98 app or on a Word98 file icon will start up Classic, but Word doesn't open. Suppose I open the Classic app in a second step (first I open Classic, THEN Word98) then double-click on a Word file, the file won't show up. I found only one way to open it, that is by the File pop-up menu in Word itself.
Suppose now I want to quit Classic, I quit Word first, then I do Command + Q to quit Classic... nothing happens... do it by the pop-up menu... nothing again. Eventually I force to quit, then it's ok. What a procedure!