

I have a dual boot machine (Summer 2000 iMac 400 MHz) running 10.3.9 and 9.2.2

The machine is usually booted in OSX but, if I try to run Excel 2001 in classic all is well until the machijne sleeps. Then, on awakening, it appears that Excell has frozen since it is unresponsive and all I see is the classic apple in th etop LH of the screen and Help in the menu bar.

I have to force quit Excel to get the machine running again.

Any ideas?
Doctor, it hurts when I do this.
Well don't do that.

Simple. Don't sleep the machine. Sleep only the display. You
will be a happier camper.
Actualy, I found the problem - an extension conflict assciated with GoMac, a utility application that doesn't work in Classic.