Click on desktop brings finder windows to front


The Definition of...
I miss the old Finder functions, I would love to be able to click on the desktop to bring all the windows to front. I guess you could make a script to do it, but how do i make it run in the background and know when the desktop window is clicked. Maybe if the finder is brought to ront then it could activate the script.
What are you getting at? To bring all windows to fron in any app, click that app in the dock.
I'm aware of clicking the finder icon. I meant, if you click the desktop, all the finder windows that are open, come to the fron, instead of just see FINDER as the main focus in the menubar.
Yeah, that's one of the things I like about OS X, you can bring one window to front without bringing all of the app...
Originally posted by testuser
This is another example of how the user interface (UI) has suffered in the transition from OS 9 to OS X.

When you click on an app's window, it comes to the fore. When you click on the Desktop only the menu bar changes (it shows the Finder's menu bar). Nothing useful like an actual Finder window is presented.

They should make clicking on the Desktop equivalent to clicking on the Finder in the Dock, or at the least bring the topmost Finder window foreward.

Hmm... Actually, when you click on an application's window, that window in the application is brought forward, not all the windows associated with the application. YMMV, but I tried it with Mozilla and Preview. So, in essence the Finder actually does follow this process, but you need to think of the "Desktop" like a large window that takes up the whole screen. I don't think it's that efficient nor useful, but I guess it's consistent.
Originally posted by testuser
This is another example of how the user interface (UI) has suffered in the transition from OS 9 to OS X.

Ugh. This is not a transition. 7 to 8 was a transition, 8 to 9 was a transition. 9 to X is NOT. X is a new OS.

They should make clicking on the Desktop equivalent to clicking on the Finder in the Dock, or at the least bring the topmost Finder window foreward.

This would be inconsistent with the way the rest of the OS works. I happen to like that the only window that comes forward is the one I click on. :)

Then again, I usually never leave Finder windows open anyway.

Well, it's like it is. That a click on an app's window doesn't bring the whole app with all windows to the front has its charms, but mainly it's annoying for Mac (Mac OS 9.x and older) users. And it's really unhelpful in the finder.

Try using the *new* finder as intended. Column view only, one window at a time only. Use copy & paste for copying and two windows only for moving stuff.
Yes, I agree that the top-most Finder window should come to the front when you click on the Desktop. A VERY annoying oversight if you ask me. Maybe if we bombard Apple with user feedback, they'll get the point:

I would like to point out, though, that if you are missing the behavior of all windows of an app coming to the front when you click on one window of the app (the OS 9 behavior), ASM will allow you that. It's freeware, and it gives you the old OS 9 application switcher back, too. Very handy.

If you guys do go write feedback, suggest this, also: there should be some key that when you hold down that key and click on a background window, all the windows of that app come forward (like OS 9), but ONLY if you hold down that key. Like Control-click window or something. That would TRULY be a godsend. I must say, though, that I like the window interspersing behavior of OS X.
I actually was going TRY and make a script, but some scripting elements for finder is not available yet, hopefully Jag will have the fix.