I haven't used a PDA in a few years...last time a Visor Deluxe with OS9.
I recently got a Sony Clie through work and have a few questions...
- what can I use to hotsync it? Palm desktop? iSync? Or do I need to buy the 'missing sync' software to use it at all?
- It looks like Avantgo does not support OS9. Any favorite alternatives to AvantGo for OSX?
- Any favorite password storage programs? I'd like one with an accompanying OSX desktop app.
I recently got a Sony Clie through work and have a few questions...
- what can I use to hotsync it? Palm desktop? iSync? Or do I need to buy the 'missing sync' software to use it at all?
- It looks like Avantgo does not support OS9. Any favorite alternatives to AvantGo for OSX?
- Any favorite password storage programs? I'd like one with an accompanying OSX desktop app.