CNet Article about IBM chips in macs. [Combined Threads]

I realise that this has been discussed many times in many threads but I think this is a pretty solid piece of evidence. I was just reading this artical on Cnet about another digital lifestyle device from Apple, and within the artical was a statement about future processors Apple might use.
The company is also working on computers that will contain IBM's 32-bit and 64-bit chip and a computer with a 3D screen, similar to the screens recently unveiled by Sharp.
you posted the exact same link I did with a slightly more original thread title :rolleyes:

Guess your thread will be more popular
Update your title ! You'll have more readers. The article is interresting and merits discussion.
Thanks MacLegacy for putting up something very interesting and worth checking out. I can't wait to see what this will be.
Originally posted by chevy
Update your title ! You'll have more readers. The article is interresting and merits discussion.

Just did but I ain't sure if it's a really better title, i'll just wait and see, but you can always propose me something, and i'll gladly change it again

karavite: Your welcome ;)

I knew this article merited discussion and immediately thought about referring it here.

P.S: There are currently two threads (mine included) which refers to the same link, the other having the title about 32-64 bit processors

edit: for some reason, the title won't update :(
Xaq: doh, aight then. I guess I should have given it a better title but I'm not used to my threads being popular, i'm used to the opposite, but there are some exceptions
perhaps, the reason you are used to them not being popular, is because you never give them interesting tiles? ;) :p
anyways, to bump this thread up a bit,

it seems to me, that this is purely speculation. However, if its from reliable sources (not that CNET isn't of course :)) 64 bit processors would be awesome if relatively soon, and 3d monitors would be VERY awesome :cool:
Originally posted by xaqintosh
perhaps, the reason you are used to them not being popular, is because you never give them interesting tiles? ;) :p

I should have an assistant to make up thread titles for me, I don't have much ideas, lol :rolleyes:

though I think my new thread is better "Not a tablet/Not necessarily an iPod says LoopRumors" well, at least it would bring my attention ;)
its a little confusing to read, but i merged the threads so we can just have one discussion about it :)

interesting indeed.... 3d screens... wonder exactly what that means :confused:
I would have been happy to delete this thread and give maclegacy the credit and let him change his title. Now it looks like I posted the exact same thing immediatly after he did. Im sorry but this is kind of annoying that he has my thread title on his stuff. Im not offended or anything you just made this thread extremely confusing for no reason at all.
well crap, i didnt know it was that important to have credit for threads :eek:

i merged them because they were about the same exact topic... you did in fact post the same thing after he did, just in a new thread, in all honesty i should have deleted your thread, but i figured i didnt want to delete or lock peoples opinions on the matter (the few in relation to the actual post)

so im sorry if i dont have your approval, i did what i felt to be the right thing to do in the situation of two threads on the same exact subject... but i will change the title of the thread so it doesnt look like he gets credit for your title :rolleyes: