Coca-Cola/ COPY itms/pepsi free music give away


Daily Player
I heard an ardvert on the radio today (here in the UK) for the site and free giveaways which can now be found on cans of coke/ coca-cola. I have vistited the site but because "I have an Apple Mac I can use the site but not download music or listen to it" (dnt know if this is because they think I dont have WMP ? which I could easily download (the macversion)) Anyway the radio ardevert said that I could claim my free songs on the site, but I didnt even know that any sites had lanched yet in the UK/Europe I thought that they were all (lead by apple) trying to reason and persuade many european contries music boards etc. etc, to conform to 1 release date for all E.U. countries etc. etc. Can ppl in the U.K. and europe actualy use this site (pc users anyway) or is this a fase, if they can why the hell isnt the iTMS up and ruinning in the UK/Europe, if coca cola can surly apple can as they were first on the field???? any one know anything else?? :eek: :confused:
Hmm... COPY the giveaway? Such giveaways under Pepsi & Coke bottles have been around since I was little. Gosh how I wanted to win those tickets to the Football World Cup in 1990...

And what do you mean you didn't know such sites were up? It's the UK only so far and the site is actually afaik?
fryke said:
Hmm... COPY the giveaway? Such giveaways under Pepsi & Coke bottles have been around since I was little. Gosh how I wanted to win those tickets to the Football World Cup in 1990...

And what do you mean you didn't know such sites were up? It's the UK only so far and the site is actually afaik?

Thanx I just wondered why if coke could do it why couldnt apple! I wish they would hurry up ma iTMS europe even if they just release it in the UK then once the rest of the EU gets its act together they can release it there too!!! :) :) n btw I know that these giveaways have been going on for years but I just think that coke are dooing this in respond to the apple / pepsi release in competition if you like they want to attract customers with this deal before itunes atracts people with the pepsi contest. Is the same giveaway taking place in the US? or is it just a uk thing?
Dunno, really, but the bulk of threads about "I want my iTMS Europe" lately tells me (and I feel the same way) that there is a _really_ large demand for it. However, we know that things _are_ complicated in Europe. It doesn't make much financial sense to create a shop for every single country, I guess, so Apple has to find a deal that fits all of them. Whether that will end in a good solution (USD, EUR, CHF exchange rates...) for me, personally, ... Who knows?

What we _do_ know is that Apple's hard at trying to bring iTMS to us. Let's just hope it won't be too little, too late...
It does piss me off, though, that Macs aren't supported (repeated over and over again on the site). Don't tell me I have to start drinking (ugh) Pepsi??