i'm making a program that uses the unix command uptime..
- (IBAction)getuptimeid)sender
uptime = [[NSTask alloc] init];
[uptime setLaunchPath"/usr/bin/uptime"];
foo = [uptime launch];
[textField setObjectValue:foo];
[uptime release];
how can i grab the results from uptime and display it in a textField. i declares foo as a NSString but that doesn't work. any ideas please.
- (IBAction)getuptimeid)sender
uptime = [[NSTask alloc] init];
[uptime setLaunchPath"/usr/bin/uptime"];
foo = [uptime launch];
[textField setObjectValue:foo];
[uptime release];
how can i grab the results from uptime and display it in a textField. i declares foo as a NSString but that doesn't work. any ideas please.