Cocoa with Garbage Collection On It's Way?

This reminding me of this ars post. Supposedly Jobs had hinted about garbage collection in an email about Obj-C vs C#, unfortunantly the email is no longer up on the site it was once posted.

Not to thread jack or anything, but I think Cocoa is cool as hell, the way nibs work is so much cooler than just generating code like .NET does. That said, I don't really care for Obj-C that much. The language just seems less clean, and I don't really like having to deal with header files. Java and C# have really made writting code more efficient and I think it is way easier to read. I also find reading Javadoc way easier than Apples documentation.
If you dig through the header files it is easy to see defines for running with a garbage collector. The question has always been if they could get the performance that they wanted in real world situations with it running. This is almost always possible with a singly application but might be hard across a whole system with arbitrary third party code running. (I think that this would have to be a conservative non-relocating collector a la boehm.)
I'm scared...

True, when I first started using Cocoa, the fact that I had to manually retain and release everything (or just about) confused the heck out of me. But now it's hard to imagine it any other way.

If it works well, then great. But I have the feeling I won't be turning it on myself. Because I'm scared. ;)
Nice, the GC does make it a pain sometimes when you are writing performance critical apps (games), but in most other kinds of applications its reaallly nice.